Well, after at least a year of feeling tired, run-down, losing both weight and memory, plus a spell in hospital in Limoges, my dearest OH has been diagnosed with diabetes. It will mean sugar-free diet and medication for the rest of his life, but the (French) dietician did say he should drink 2 glasses - no more - of vin rouge a day and so life doesn't feel quite so grim now...
So, we are beginning to get back on an even keel - I'm doing the diet too (I've lost 4 kilos) and OH is definitely looking better - nose and ears are now pink instead of the recent grey - sorry if I make him sound like a kitten, but honestly, it's true!
Although our summer is winding down - kids go back to school in 10 days - I've got loads of stock bought over the last few months and I just need to launder and press etc so watch this space for more French bargains...
In the meantime, I'll leave you with a photo of dawn breaking on the day following my daughter's birthday: the teenage sleep-over included staying up to watch the sunrise, and the birthday cake which her two friends made for her to cheer her up whilst Daddy was in hospital - isn't that sweet of them?