Sadly, now sold (sniff...)Gorgeous pair of French door knobs - never got round to fitting them as our door knobs are already rather nice!
soldA pair of old curtain pole supports

and another pair, a little smaller, or can be used as curtain hold- backs
soldAnd these are the metal spikes which hold up the supports...difficult to get nowadays

This is a large game pie tin - great for raised pies too
Now soldYou just pull ot the pins and the tin comes apart which makes removing the pie easy-peasey!
I've been having a sort out of my own stuff - we really, really, have to thin out as this old house is just too big for us - we only use half of it for goodness sake! And, when our daughter goes away to lycée in September, there will only be us and the animals...
So, I am selling surplus to requirements - things which I never got round to fitting or using. I reckon it's going to take ages before we will be able to put the house on the market, but little and often, and we'll get there...
If you are interested in any items, just click
here for my other Ebay page.
Have a good week!