I don't know what it is about the French government, but it seems to want to shoot itself - and everyone in France - in the foot - I am ripping my hair out with all the frustration of it all.
895,000 people have signed up for the 'Auto-entrepreneur' scheme - a scheme for the smallest, littlest, itsy-bitsy businesses. It was designed to get people off the 'chomage', or unemployment, and to stop people working on the black ie paying no taxes. It was also to help students and pensioners earn a little extra without having to start up proper companies with all the paperwork and money up-front that entailled..
It seemed to be working well. But, as all things in France, when someone thinks someone else is getting a better deal, the complaints started rolling in from artisans such as builders, decorators etc as they considered these new upstart entrepreneurs were not paying their way in health and tax charges.
So, the socialist government are going to limit an auto-entrepreneur to two years on the scheme, after which the heavier business scheme kicks in, or a limit of $15,000 pa turnover if the entrepreneur has another form of income ie a paid job or pension.
I guess a large percentage of the auto-entrepreneurs will just close down and go back on the dole - I can't afford the 5 or 6 thousand euros virtual up-front fees so I will close my business down and go on the dole too. OH will close his business and retire.
I am so angry - such stupidity! In this day and age, where jobs are as rare as hens' teeth - who is going to employ two old British-ex pat codgers like us? Who is going to employ the hundreds of thousands of ex-auto-entrepreneurs or will they go back on the dole? And if they do go back on the dole, where is the money going to come from to pay for it? And can the French government afford to lose the taxes and social charges that the auto-entrepreneurs are currently paying into the treasury?
I've talked to other auto-entrepreneurs and they think that in the business world, the French government is just a laughing stock and I agree - it could not govern its way out of a paper bag.