My daughter was strimming a neighbour's garden, to get it ready to put the house on the market, and this is what she found:
It's a little green stick insect
He was about 6 inches or 15 cms long
Poor thing had already lost a leg, but Kath spotted it before she started up the machine
Amazing camouflage: he looked like a little piece of grass
I carefully took him into the undergrowth next door, and let him free. Kath was a little nervous in case there were others, but no more to be found.
And, incidentally, the house was sold.
I use to keep stick insects when I was a kid, fascinating insects :-)
ReplyDeleteWe had stick insects at school, together with some locusts - my friend, larking about, let them all out in the biology lab!
ReplyDeleteI had to look twice at the picture, I'm afraid I would have missed it, poor little chap xx
ReplyDeleteSo interesting and those are the good guys!