Beautiful set of 10 tole French curtain rings, with a strong hinge and pretty mount.

In excellent condition, these vintage rings are so easy to use
Sorry, but the curtain rings are soldYou just open the clip so the tiny teeth grip the curtain, and then merely thread the ring over the curtain pole et voila! An easy - and gorgeous way - to dress a window. Perfect for holding a monogrammed sheet at a window, or fine muslin...You can read more
sorry - the brioche tin is soldLet them eat brioche...this is a rare vintage French brioche - cake - tin, with the sweetest shell shaped handles, making it easier to turn out the baked brioche.

Just perfect to add to a tin or kitchenalia collection...You can buy it

This wonderful 19thc flour sieve would look the part in a rustic, country kitchen. Practical too!
sorry - the sieve is soldIn excellent condition, you can read about it

This old vintage handle was once in use in a Surrey cinema long since demolished. Beautifully made, solid as a rock, this would look great greeting customers in a vintage or antique shop, or you could even use it as a towel rail in a retro bathroom...
Sorry but this handle is soldYou can read more about the handle by clicking

Another vintage item that would look superb in an antique or vintage shop is this French shop bell. We have one at our side door - we have added a little chain, and our visitors just tug at the chain and we can here it through the house and garden. So practical...
So sorry - the shop bell is soldIn wonderful vintage conditon, with just a little rust and LOTS of verdigris, you can buy it from my Ebay shop

Sorry - the shoe lasts are soldThis pair of vintage shoe trees - or cobblers' lasts - are interesting - they fold at the hinges, and can be hung up when stored away. Making slippers was a local small industry here in Limousin - it was something the farmers and their wives could do when the weather was too bad to farm - I think these may have been used for just that purpose, but ideal for keeping vintage shoes in shape...you can see more